Let’s Get Connected

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Personalized Gifts

Premium Delivery within 3 days

Cancelation/Refund Policy:

  1. In general there will be no refund for order cancelation, and if the customer placed the order then he/she is obliged to make the payment even if decided to cancel the order. This is due to the fact that these paintings are customized and unusable for any other customer.
  1. However you can request a refund from us, and we will look into it and see if there is any possibility to refund some of the paid amount.

Return Policy:

  • There is no refund for returned items, in case if there is a defect in the supplied item then you can request a replacement to the order within 7 days providing a Proof that you have taken this item broken since day1. This is due to the fact that these Artwork frames are customized and unusable for any other customer.

Orders Delivery takes 1 to 2 days after order is submitted (excluding weekends are off)

Pics to be summited on time to ensure on time delivery.

Bulk Orders can get discounted rated.

last minutes orders are normally charged 100dhs extra for design.

About Us

Gifto Designs is more than just a gifting company – it’s a journey through personalized, interactive, and unique memory-saving treasures. Our popular designs come with unique codes or augmented reality (AR) elements that add an extra layer of excitement.

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© 2023 Designed & Developed by Habiba

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